Gellerup Bypark – Et storslået rum

I udvalgte fotografier formidles oplevelsen af Gellerup Bypark. Gennem hele Toveshøj og Gellerup løber nu en slynget sti, som præsenterer mange typer rum, natur og aktiviteter. Langs de store, forskudte blokke breder det landskabelige, grønne rum sig ud i det faldende terræn. Byparkens grønne rum står i modspil til de modernistiske facader og fremhæver samtidigt bygningernes arkitektoniske kvaliteter.

Det særlige ved Gellerup Bypark er belyst gennem nogle temaer i fotografierne.


Gellerup Bypark – a magnificient space

The photographs portray the experience of Gellerup City Park. Along the large, staggered blocks, the green landscape spreads out in the sloping terrain. The green space of the city park contrasts the modernist facades, while underlining the architectural qualities of the buildings. The unique atmosphere of Gellerup City Park is communicated through selected photographic themes.

De fem fotografier fra Gellerup har været udstillet i Venedig parallelt med Arkitektur Biennalen 2021.

European Cultural Centre har arrangeret udstillingen Time Space Existence, blandt andet i Palazzo Mora, Venedig.

Landsbyggefonden har generøst bidraget til, at det har været muligt at deltage i udstillingen, og i et stort format vise et helt særligt landskabsrum i sammenhæng med en almen bebyggelse.


The five photographs from Gellerup were part of the exhibition TIME SPACE EXISTENCE in Palazzo Mora, Venice.

 The Exhibition is arranged by The European Cultural Centre and held along with Venice Biennale of Architecture.

 A generous contribution from Landsbyggefonden made it possible to participate in the exhibition and display the special landscape connected to the social housing.



The sky as scenic space is omnipresent and the scale of the buildings and park is extensive. The monumental blocks and the tall trees frame the sky.


The community has been a focal point in the development of the city park. Here, numerous opportunities have been created for people to come together in the park, thus inviting the local community to take part in joint activities. The park is a common space; that can be experienced both from the apartment balcony as well as on the ground.


The nature of Gellerup City Park is diverse and represented by the old, large trees, newly planted trees, grasses and perennials, which together constitute a park environment characterized by a high degree of biodiversity. Here, the nature is experienced more intensely than in the conventional, trimmed park.


Scale is an experience in itself. The buildings of Gellerup are voluminous, just like the apartment blocks and the majority of the surrounding trees are large-scale. The interrelationship between dominating elements is proportionally balanced, and in some way they dissolve each other’s scale.


The view between the staggered blocks is an essential part of the original development plan. The five blocks appear adjacent to each other with minor shifts, allowing for generous views towards the surrounding landscape in which the settlement enrolls.

Fotografierne er optaget på samme dag og samme sted i Gellerup. Helene Høyer Mikkelsen har tidligere fotograferet bydelen til en bog om Gellerup. Bogen afdækker bydelens historie, arkitektur og dens skiftende image og er skrevet af forskere på Arkitektskolen i Aarhus. Bogen udkommer på Arkitektens forlag 2021.

The series of photographs are taken on the same day at the same place in the City Park of Gellerup, Denmark. Helene Høyer Mikkelsen also photographed the wider city district for a book project. The book uncovers the history, architecture and changing image of the area over time and is written by researchers from Aarhus School of Architecture. The book will be published by Arkitekten in 2021